Annemie Van de Craen

Annemie Van de Craen bvba is composing a new website and blog: accentuating face-to-face communication, creating content and brand identity through authentic communication and different types of events.


guiding face-to-face communication
organizing client events, hospitality events and events with a strong sense of branding
creating content for press releases and  channels of communication
writing scenario’s
creating multimedia
selecting locations supporting the brand of your organization
coordinating face-to-face communication activities from preliminary notion until  debriefing

Partners and suppliers:

We operate Benelux-wide since 20 years and have built up in this triangle an extended network of highly qualified suppliers experienced in all area’s of event communication.

To support the  communication activities of your organization we work together with partners in design, typography, new media and photography.

All projects are supervised by experts who have the skills to monitor, innovate and stimulate creation. If you have direct questions on these domains please leave a message via


Generaal Lemanstraat 46
BE 2600 Berchem (Antwerp)

T. +32.(0)